Friday, January 19, 2018

Let's talk about the 'Tide-pod Challenge'

Okay, let's talk about this, because this is dangerous. First, there was the cinnamon challenge that happened in 2012, then there was the salt and ice challenge that happened in 2017, but that challenge was first done in 2012 as well. All three of these challenges were/are dangerous. They all provide a health risk and I really hope these challenges just stop one day, because this is stupid.

I'm not gonna go into details about the challenges, because I think that would be unwise. I will say this. It is harmful to your health. All three of these challenges are harmful to your health, but we are talking about the most recent one right now. The tide-pods are poisonous. So, why are teens doing this challenge? Because they apparently look like candy... What!?

Some people were seen shaking, stirring, even cooking the packets. These actions were prompted by meme images showing the packets as “forbidden fruit”. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), people have actually died from eating them and has recently renewed efforts to warn against harmful exposure to the pods.

There are serious side-effects that could most likely happen and could most likely end in death. They are: vomiting, coughing, loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, coma, fluid in the lungs, and cardiac arrest.

It's ridiculous, this apparently started out as a joke, a prank, on the internet, but this has gone way too far. There are some concerns that children will try mimicking the teenagers and trying this challenge themselves.

This is dangerous! It's poisonous! Do not try this!


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