Saturday, May 28, 2022

Uh, Hi again. Let's talk.


This year has not been the best year so far for me. Regardless, so far, I managed to publish a post in January and March. I really do want to do more. I’ve essentially been mostly bedridden with chronic migraine pain though for the past two years. I’m working on trying to figure out ways to manage it, but in my case it is way more complicated than just simple chronic migraines.

I’d rather not get into that though, just know I am trying. I am still passionate about writing. I still have plans for this blog. I still have a long list of ideas for this blog as well, and a backlog of posts I haven’t yet published because I’ve been in too much pain to be at my computer. Today, as I’m typing this, is one of those rare good days. So, today, I’m typing up a Q&A type post full of questions I found that I thought would be fun to answer. I found them all in various places.

So, I hope you enjoy this random post:

1) What’s your favorite color?

I am partial to pink and light blue, that might’ve been because that was the theme of my bedroom, but I absolutely love those two colors. Also, my birthstone color is turquoise and I happen to like that color as well. So, pink and blue.

2) What’s your favorite artist/song?

My favorite artist is Hilary Duff, no hesitation there. Her songs have helped me through so much. Favorite song though? Yeah, that one is tougher to answer. I don’t even know if I have a favorite Hilary Duff song. I will admit there are some songs from her I like more than others, but a favorite? I honestly don’t know.

3) What do you fear the most?

Good question. I used to think it was heights, but it’s not, and I’m honestly very terrified of heights, have been my whole life. Recently though, I’ve realized my true worst fear, and that’s being truly alone. I’m working through that, I’m not about to talk about that online though.

4) What are your weaknesses?

Kryptonite, that’s my only weakness. Lol, no, but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t sneak in a Superman reference when I get the chance, but this is not as random as you think when you think about the fact that in college, my Sorority nickname was Supergirl. So, I have two true weaknesses. One is math, probably due to my disabilities. The other is anger. The anger is my true Kryptonite. Well, I guess, when you think about it, they both are? Math is the green K and the anger is the red K. I have been working on the anger over the years and it has gotten a lot better, but there are still things I need to work on and I am working on them.

5) What are your strengths?

My strengths? Well, one of them is stubbornness. I suppose the nice way of putting it is determination, but I don’t mind calling it stubbornness. Being stubborn runs in the family. There was one time where I used my stubbornness to my advantage in a major way. I was supposed to go home a semester early when I had one more semester before I finished two years. I wanted to at least compromise and graduate with a two year degree. Mom at first said no, I’m not sure if she had no idea how it was possible, but I wasn’t about to give up that easily, so I fought. I fought so hard, the president of the college pulled a few strings. It still meant that I had to do 6 classes instead of 5 and spend the rest of that time in work study, but I took it! And I freaking graduated! It’s also my proudest moment, right there!

6) What do you look forward to the most?

Hmm, the little things. I tend to live life day by day, so I just look forward to the little things. I have current little things that I look forward to based on what is happening at the moment, like for instance, during high school, I always looked forward to watching Smallville every week. Now, during the present, I do have a few little things I look forward to. I am currently looking forward to season 3 of The Orville. I am always looking forward to the next episode of Superman & Lois. I am also always looking forward to seeing Alysia’s livestreams on her youtube channel, they’re always fun!

BTW, this is her youtube channel:

7) What do you consider to be your skills?

Hmm, well, one of them is definitely writing. Writing has been my passion for as long as I can remember. I’ve always had a way with words. I’ve written stories for as long as I can remember too. Remember when I said my greatest fear is being truly alone? I figured it out through writing, apparently. My mom reminded me of this, but apparently, when I was younger, most of my stories had me having a big family and lots of friends. I did get better at writing over the years though.

I will say this, I used to do the roleplays on a couple forums with a friend. They were based on a show we both used to watch. Once again, I will say, I got better at writing and… yeah. BUT, the character I wanted to roleplay was taken, the second choice was too. So, I made my own character. The sad irony is, I played The Sims all the time, part of that was character creation, lol. Let’s just say, it was very cringy, and the character I made would have made way more sense in another show which, another irony, I didn’t watch yet until years later. I am much better at creating characters for stories now, I promise, and The Sims is a part of helping me with that.

So, yeah, that’s a bit more about me. Like I said above, I have a long list of blogpost ideas and a backlog of posts that I haven’t been able to publish yet. So, I have plans. This blog gives me a purpose and I’m not giving up on that purpose. Like I also said in this post, I am stubborn! Hopefully, I’ll be able to post more soon. Just please, be patient and understanding with me? Anyways, I hope it was fun to learn a bit more about me.

Until next time…

~ Chloe

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Let's talk about The Orville


Now, I am not a long-time fan of The Orville, but I can say I am a big fan of The Orville. I started not too long ago, about a year ago, but long after season two has been out on Hulu, and binge-watched both seasons. Recently, The Orville crew members have come out and said that the premiere of season 3 was pushed back from March 10th to June 2nd, but hey, that’s okay, we’ve waited this long, what’s a few more months, right? That same day, they showed us the opening scene of the very first episode of the season.

Here is The Orville: New Horizons (The First Scene):

Now, there are so many theories running rampant about this, some are similar to each other though. I have my own theory and it’s psychological, but despite me saying so in a stream, which I will link to, and my psychological background, you could argue who had this kind of theory first, and that’s okay. But, my theory is that Marcus has PTSD and this is Marcus’ nightmare. I explained it better in my online sister, Alysia’s stream, where we picked apart this scene.

Here is a link to her stream:

Please excuse my voice, I have a speech impediment and probably a deaf accent due to me being hard of hearing. I hope, despite that, you can understand me. Anyways, after that, I saw something from another one of the top Orville fans, JP. He has this theory which was inspired by a tweet he saw that it is actually Isaac’s dream. He actually had some very good points in his video which is why I am including it here.

This is the link to his video:

Yes, I do agree, androids do dream of electric sheep. He brought up a good point. I had a theory, which I’m not sure I made public yet, except for maybe once in one of Alysia’s streams that maybe Isaac could learn empathy, so he’s not the only one with that theory, especially with some of his behaviors in the “Identity” episodes and even before that, with Claire.

Despite agreeing with some of JP’s points in his video, I still believe this is Marcus’ nightmare though, so who’s theory is the right one? Place your bets now. Just thought I’d have a bit of fun with this, lol.

Anyways, that's a bit of information from:

JP: The Orville Evangelist

Alysia: The Orville Ambassador

And me (Chloe): The Orville Psychoanalyst

Anyways, until next time, engage quantum drive!

~ The Orville Psychoanalyst

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

English (and ASL) is strange…


Before I get into anything, I apologize for my recent hiatus, I had stuff going on, simple as that. Also, a belated Happy New Year! Now...

Let me explain… This is a quote from my online sister’s Twitter:

I never realized how weird the English language is. So we use almost a singular word hair to indicate multiple hairs if we're getting say a haircut/hairstyle/etc. Yet in other foreign languages they automatically use the plural versions of these words. Think about it.”


Now, let me put this in a little better context with a little bit of backstory. We’re both writers. Neither one of us is published (yet) but one of us is working on it. She’s also bilingual, she is fluent in French. She also knows some words in like 5 other languages, I think? So, I think it’s safe to say she is much better than I am, oh and yes, English is both of our first languages. And here I am still struggling to learn my second language, which is ASL, which I posted about back in October of 2020, Jeez.

So, I did a little research, as I usually do, so I don’t sound like a fool and spread misinformation and found a few articles on how English really is a strange language, and yes, this is really two native English speakers confirming this. So, if two native English speakers are saying this, I wonder what it’s like for people learning English as a 2nd or 3rd language, or so on? Here is an article on the weirdest English rules:

I mean, sure, I have a way with words, but so does Alysia, the online sister I just mentioned. She’s the linguistic one. I’m the one having trouble continuing with a novel while she probably has 3-4-5 novels already written! How does she do it? I need to know her secrets, especially with all these weird rules. Just google why English is weird, you’ll get a kick out of it.

On the other side of it, signed languages are unique in their own ways too. For instance, each country has its own signed language, maybe more than one, depending on the region, I am not sure. I’m only focusing on ASL for this post, which is American Sign Language, because I live in America. I will admit, I’m still trying to learn ASL, I’m still trying to immerse myself into the culture, but as I was learning, I’ve learned a few unique things, which might be more normal than the weird spoken English rules I talked about earlier in the post. This is just my perspective from a hard of hearing person who is learning ASL as a second language while in her 30s.

One thing I learned is that some signs are the same but they mean different things. This confuses my mom a lot, she knows more SEE and while I know some SEE, I’ve been trying to learn more ASL, but this still confuses me sometimes. Let me show you an example:

As you see here, if you click the first link here. You’ll see the sign for “someone”, BUT it also means “single”, “something”, “alone”, and “only”. Now, how can we tell the difference? CONTEXT. How can you tell the context? Facial movements, that’s a big thing in learning signed languages, all signed languages, not just ASL, I am still trying to learn the right facial expressions, still trying to learn my style, etc.

The second link is the sign for “clean”. It also means “nice”. I added this one because there is another way to tell the context. Now, when you sign “nice” it could be accompanied by “nice to meet you”. That is a standard greeting, right? Now, if you sign “clean” it could be signed as “clean-up” like the person signing is trying to say “clean up your room” for instance. That’s how you can tell context as well, by watching the sentence as a whole, not looking at it sign by sign.

Another thing I learned is that some signs can look similar, but they mean different things. Here are some examples:

Just note, the first link is supposed to be “clean-up”, it tells you how to sign it towards the bottom of the first page. The other two signs are “school” and “paper”. I showed you those three because those are similar. Of course, there are others that are similar, like “coffee” and another sign that is signed very similar to that, not repeating the word here, but hopefully you can see what I mean here.

That is my experience as an ASL “student” not really a student, but somebody who is trying to learn, later in life. I get signs confused all the time, heck, when I’m speaking, I get tongue tied all the time as well, and that’s with speaking English. That’s because I have slow processing disorder and my brain sometimes goes faster than I speak or sign. Anyways, I’m trying, and hopefully, you learned something here today.

Until next time, stay happy and healthy. 

- Chloe