Wednesday, August 12, 2020

There's a new TikTok trend that needs to stop


I do not know much about TikTok. All I know is that there is a trend that I found out about that needs to stop. It is disturbing and it is teaching kids to be scared of people who look different. I found the article on Twitter from someone I follow, Lizzie Velasquez, she is a disability activist and motivational speaker who is talking about it. I'm not linking that specific article because it is behind a paywall, so I did a little research and found another article which I will link below, as always.

In this trend, parents are pranking their children by pretending to facetime with someone with a disability then showing their child. I saw a video of one such prank and the parent was pretending to facetime with none other than the disability activist I mentioned. The parent then shows their son, telling him that she's his teacher for the year and the son looks scared. Sometimes, the picture would be of a baby who was born different. It's disturbing! It's cruel!

I remember as a kid, I was taught early on by my mother to be accepting for two main reasons. One reason was that I had a disabled uncle. The other reason was that I'm disabled myself. I went to two schools for people with disabilities and my best friends have disabilities. So, believe me when I say, disability is not a thing to joke about.

Stop joking about disabled people or disability in general. Stop teaching children to fear disabilities. Children are naturally curious. Fear is only taught. So, teach your child, not fear, but acceptance.

- Chloe


1 comment :

  1. Good point. I know I grew up with a neighbor who had spinal bifita and I learned a lot from her just by asking and observing.

    I know I myself may not be disabled or handicapped but I always am willing to learn. I try to pass this on as much as possible.

    There is enough negative out there and we need to subtract from it not keep adding to it.

    I know I will not tolerate any kind of cruelty or crudeness for those who may be different from me.

    Come on people, let's make things better not worse!

    Thanks for sharing sis!

