Thursday, February 6, 2020

Let's talk about Self-Care

It's a new year, and this year, I am gonna try to do some self-care strategies. You know, just take care of myself when my mental health is suffering. It's kinda like how you would take care of yourself when you are physically sick, you should take care of yourself when you are mentally unwell. It's important to do something for yourself often.

I will be honest, my mood has not been the greatest. I take medications for my moods and I recently had a change. I'm not as mentally well as I should be, so right now, I am doing a little something that makes me feel better. I am watching an old show that is still my favorite. It happens to be on Hulu, so I am watching all the seasons for a second time.

I have included a list of self-care activities, but they are not all of them, I don't think. For instance, one of my coping strategies for when I am really down is to keep my mind distracted, and sometimes, playing videogames help. You never see that option on any of the lists.

Here's the things I do whenever I need to distract myself or practice self-care:
(not necessarily in this order)

Watch TV/Youtube
Play a videogame
Take a nap
Call a friend

Note: Playing a videogame may not be relaxing to you, but it may be relaxing to some people. There are some relaxing videogames out there. For me, the most relaxing videogame is the one I play the most, and it is one of the Sims Games.

And like I said, I have included a list of self-care activities for you to try if you ever need to, or if you already do some of these things and they work for you, then that is great! If you found something else that helps that is not on this list, then that is great too! Self-care is important. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

Until next time, God Bless
- Chloe


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